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It's Monday! What are you reading?

This weekly meme is hosted by One Person's Journey.

Books I read this past week:

Books I am currently reading:
  • Writing on My Forehead (for my other book group)

Books I have waiting in the wings: This coming Saturday is the Dewey Read-a-Thon so I hope to get all of these (and more?) read!
  • Yoruba Girl Dancing...ok. This one I keep putting on the "waiting" list. Anyone have another suggestion for a good book that begins with "Y"?
  • Indian Killer
  • Body Drama


Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

Your up coming books sounds really interesting, what a great title. I hope that you are enjoying those books that you are reading!

Lydia said...

No clue on the Y book! That's a tough one!

Here is my Monday: http://thelostentwife.net/2010/04/04/its-monday-what-are-you-reading-15/

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, I really liked The Next Thing on My List.

Here's my week:


Unknown said...

"Writing On My Forehead?" Now there's an interesting title! lol

Sorry, I don't know of a "Y" book, but I'm sure someone will be able to help you out. Or maybe you can google one.

Enjoy your week. Lynne's Book Reviews

Christina T said...

The Writing on My Forehead sounds like such a fantastic book. I hope you are enjoying it.

I loved your review of Numbers. I really want to read that one now.

Here is what I'm reading.

susan said...

I had Indian Killer but failed to read it. Of course now, I see it popping up enough to want to kick myself. :-)

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Woo Hoo you read Next Thing On My list! I am anxious to read what your group thought :)

SO glad you will be in on the Readathon!

Zia said...

I just received Numbers this past week and I can't wait to read it. Happy reading this week.

Jennifer said...

Okay, time to do some research since I have not heard of these. I do enjoy coming across new books. Happy reading. My Monday: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/04/its-monday-what-are-you-reading-5-april.html

Athira said...

You will have a good week ahead seeing as you will be taking part in the read-a-thon as well. I'm still in two minds, so let's see! Have fun!!

Staci said...

Helen, I love the look of your blog-gorgeous!!! I'm a middle school librarian in Michigan and I fully support saving California School Libraries...what's happening in California is scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can't close libraries!!

I've read very favorable reviews on Writing on My Forehead- hope you're enjoying it!!!

Helen's Book Blog said...

Becky--I am really looking forward to this week's reading; especially with the read-a-thon coming up

Lydia--the Y book is just stumping me!

Laurel--I also really enjoyed Next Thing (poignant, but fun)

Lynne--I know, I love the title Writing on My Forehead! I'll try google for the Y book

Christina--Writing is a good book, watch out for the review!

Susan--I hope Indian Killer grabs me; I really enjoyed "Autobiography" by Alexie

Zia--Numbers is good; I enjoyed it. Hope you do too!

Jennifer--Check out these books; they really are good ones

Aths--Join the read-a-thon! I don't do 24 hours by any stretch. I read from 5am to 9pm with major breaks along the way. I almost did more blog reading than book reading, which was also fun

Staci--Thanks for the compliment! The state of libraries right now is criminal. I know that there are lots of places/issues that need money, but obviously, libraries are close to my heart

Crystal (I totally paused!) said...

Your week sounds really wonderful. I wish I had a Y suggestion for you!

I've thought about that readathon and forgot it was this week, so I unintentionally booked over it. I'm going to try to get in a few hours at the very least :)

This is my week:

Eva said...

OMG, Indian Killer is SO good! And I really want to read Body Drama. :)

Here's the Y bit of my Reviews by Title directory, if it helps:

Unknown said...

Ooh I'm so curious about your review of Num8ers, but I can't see it yet, I have it on my TBR list and don't want to spoil it! Did you like it?

I'm so envious because of the Read-a-thon, it is such a fun and fantastic event and I won't be able to participate this time :-( can't wait next time though! :-)

Visit Ex Libris at http://exlibris-stella.blogspot.com/

Helen's Book Blog said...

Crystal--No one seems to have a good Y suggestion for me. I may just have to force myself to read Yoruba Girls Dancing.

Eva--I am loving Body Drama (and actually thought of you as I started it). I wish I'd had it when I was a teen. Thanks for the link to the Y reviews!

Stella--Read Numbers then my review. I am really careful about not doing spoilers, but I totally understand wanting to read the book first!