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Broken Birds: the story of my momila by Jeannette Katzir is a book that the author sent me to read and review. It covers one of my most favorite topics: the Holocaust so I am looking forward to reading. I must confess that I received the book back in August, planned to read it and then school started and I got side tracked. Bad blogger, bad blogger!
"My momila, Channa, had five children, which was quite a feat because she had weak uterus muscles and was supposed to limit herself to only three."
This doesn't seem like the beginning of a book about the Holocaust, but really the emphasis of the book is how the Holocaust affected one family, even long after it had ended. The book chronicles the author's mother's experience of the Holocaust and how the author and her siblings were impacted by it for years to come (from the back of the book and the first page, I gather it doesn't go well).