Thank you to Bonnie of Bonnie's Books for passing on the Versatile Blogger Award to me!
Here's the rules:
- Thank and link to the blogger who bestowed the award
- Share seven random facts about yourself (see below)
- Spread the love by passing the award to five other bloggers--and be sure to let them know
Seven random facts sounds like a lot, but here's what I came up with:
- I haven't done a blog award in a long time. It seems like there was a flurry of them bouncing around the blogosphere the first year I blogged and now I rarely see them
- I eat more chocolate than I should
- I still prefer the music from my youth (1970s and '80s)
- If someone gave me oodles of money I would spend it on travel
- My iPhone has changed my life, really. I am embarrassed to admit it, but it's true
- I like having my photo taken but often don't like the results
- I love watching the Amazing Race
Bloggers to whom I bestow this award (there are so many from whom to choose!)
- Aths from Reading on a Rainy Day
- Alyce from At Home with Books
- Annette from My Head is Full of Books
- Edi from Crazy Quilts
- Ari from Reading in Color