- Reading, obviously. For myself and for my job I read quite a bit and I really like that my blog feeds into that. Along with this is the discovery of fabulous new books through other bloggers that I never would have tried if left on my own.
- A product. I am definitely a product-oriented person and having a blog gives me that feeling of accomplishing a "thing." In education our outcomes are so vague and intangible (did I reach my students? Did they learn something valuable?) that blogging gives me something concrete to work with.
- The book blogging (and librarian blogging) community is so great! Although I have only met a few of you in person, I really enjoy the camaraderie among bloggers, the support, the encouragement, the book suggestions, and the discussions that come up around books, authors, events, issues, and more.
- The challenges. As we head into a new year I am thinking about the challenges I want to participate in for 2012 and I hope that other bloggers will participate in the one I am hosting (the Middle East Challenge)
- And, let's be honest, I am little bit of a techie-geek so I like the idea that I am doing all this online :-)

2 Year Blogoversary!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
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Well, today is my two-year blogoversary and I had grand plans to do something big and then it snuck up on me and here I am with no plans, just a warm feeling in my heart. I don't think I had any idea that I would keep blogging for this long when I first started, and now I can't imagine stopping. What do I like about blogging?
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