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Title:  Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (and other concerns) Author : Mindy Kaling Year Published:  2011 Genre : Adult non-fictio...
Title:  Murder 101 Author : Faye Kellerman Year Published:  2014 Genre : Adult Mystery Pages : 374 Rating : 4.5 out of 5 Locati...
Title:  My Secret Life in Hut Six: One woman't experiences at Bletchley Park Author : Mair and Gethin Russell-Jones Year Published:  ...
Title:  City of Thieves Author : David Benioff Year Published:  2009 Genre : Adult Fiction Pages : 258 Rating : 4 out of 5 Loca...
Title:  Roomies Author : Sara Zarr and Tara Altebrando Year Published:  2013 Genre : Young Adult Fiction Pages : 279 Rating : 4.5...
Title:  Blankets Author : Craig Thompson Year Published:  2003 Genre : Young Adult Non-Fiction (Graphic Novel) Pages : 582 Rating ...
Title:  Stupid Fast Author : Geoff Herbach Year Published:  2011 Genre : Young Adult Fiction Pages : 311 Rating : 4.5 out of 5 ...
I haven't done an end-of-the-year wrap up in a long time and this year I want to do it, so here goes.... What I read by the number...