The first challenge that I committed to is the ALA Youth Media Awards Challenge hosted by Anne of My Head is Full of Books. As a former high school Librarian, this challenge is right up my alley.
The second challenge to which I am committing is the Read My Own Damn Books Challenge hosted by Estella at Estella's Revenge. I hope to read 25 books off of my TBR shelf this year. Estella isn't letting herself purchase any books until she's read a bunch of the ones already in her house. I don't know if I can commit to that :-)
My third challenge is one that I do on my own anyway: keeping track of where I read each year. The challenge is the Travel the World in Books Challenge hosted by Tanya at Mom's Small Victories. My goal isn't specific, but I will read as many books set outside the United States as I can. I will post my reading on my 2017 Google Map.
My final reading challenge for 2017 is like the travel challenge listed above, but the goal is to read at least one book set in each of the 50 US states and the District of Columbia. The Literary Escapes Challenge is hosted by Escape with Dollycas. I'll post my reading on my 2017 Google Map.
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