It's December that means reflecting back on the reading I've done this year and thinking ahead to the reading I'll do next year. After lots of pondering and checking out 2019 Challenge lists, here are the challenges I've decided to take on in 2019. I do feel I'm cheating a bit since these are the types of books I'd read anyway, but reading them as part of a challenge makes it more fun.
In the past six months began to post my reviews to Twitter in addition to my blog, but this coming year I am going to try to remember to include hashtags for the various challenges in which I am participating.
Thank you to the following bloggers who compiled lists of 2019 challenges, which helped me make my decisions: Christine at Xxertz Blog; A Novel Challenge; and Feed Your Fiction Addiction.
YA Award Winners
This one isn't an official challenge, but I will try to read all the YA books that win awards from the American Library Association for 2018. I may have read some of them this year, but that's ok. The winners aren't announced until early February so I can't begin this one until then. And the logo may change as well, we'll see.
This challenge is new to me, but the idea is to read books whose titles begin with every letter of the alphabet. It is hosted by Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest.
This challenge is dear to my heart because I really like reading books that are not just about white Americans.
I participated in this one last year and really enjoyed it and I ended up reading more non-fiction that I expected so I am pleased to take this one on again. This year my goal will be to read 25 non-fiction books. It is hosted by Doing Dewey.
Literary Escapes (and Reading Around the World)
This challenge is hosted by Dollycas and the goal is to read books set in as many US states as possible. In 2018 I read 33 states so I'd like to do better in 2019.
I love reading books set outside the US so would read these types of book anyway, but it's fun to have a challenge along with it. I couldn't find a challenge specifically for reading books set around the world, but The Literary Escapes Challenge gives bonus points for out-of-the-US locations so I'll count this challenge for this as well.
**This year I am going to be better about posting to the Facebook group for these two location-based challenges.
Motif Reading
I participated in this challenge in 2018 as well and like the motifs even better for 2019. Hosted by Girlxoxo. #monthlymotifgxo