
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Sunday Salon: June 30, 2019

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz has taken over running The Sunday Salon.

My life in books over the past week: 
  • The Grief Keeper by Alexandra Villasante
  • White Fragility: Why It's so Hard for White People to Talk About Race by Robin DiAngelo (for work)
Challenge progress:
  • A to Z Reading--I have read books with titles for 21 letters so far: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W.
  • Big Book Challenge--I have read 2 books over 400 pages.
  • Diversity Reading Challenge--I have read 41 books.
  • Literary Escapes--I have read books set in 31 states so far, adding Michigan and Utah in the past two weeks. I have read in 42 countries so far, adding the El Salvador in the past two weeks.
  • Motif Reading Challenge--The July motif is "Through the years" (read a book involving time travel, changes in time, etc).
  • Non-fiction--I have read 18 books so far.
  • YA Award Winners--I have read 10 of the 11 winners
Completed challenges:
  • My Own Books--I read 21 books off my shelves from March 15 to May 15, 2019.
My life outside books:
Summer school finishes in 3 days! Grades are due Thursday and I leave on my vacation at 10:00am so it will be a bit of a scramble, but I will be done and officially on vacation.

As a teacher of American Government I get excited about election time so watching the two democratic debates was fun for me. It also helped me narrow down candidates to keep an eye on. I think Harris, Buttegeig, Castro, Warren, and Booker are my top 5. The rest are good (except the crazy anti-vaccine author lady), I will vote for them if they are the candidate, but I think they should be cabinet posts (or something similar) for the winner.

This is totally nerdy, but I am excited that I changed the favicon on this Blogger site. I've meant to do it for a while, but it was super easy (as soon as I had the image as a square and under 100kb). Here's a how-to video if you have Blogger. 

Thursday we head off on our vacation so I won't post on the blog or check blogs for 3 weeks. I will have withdrawls for sure. We are headed to the UK for about 5 days then my mom and I are taking a river cruise from Prague to Berlin. I'll give a full report upon my return.

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