
Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sunday Salon: August 11, 2019

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz has taken over running The Sunday Salon.

My life in books over the past week: 

  • A to Z Reading--I have read books with titles for 21 letters so far: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W.
  • Big Book Challenge--I have read 7 books over 400 pages.
  • Diversity Reading Challenge--I have read 45 books.
  • Literary Escapes--I have read books set in 32 states so far, adding Massachusetts in the past two week. I have read in 48 countries so far, adding Ireland in the past week.
  • Motif Reading Challenge--The August motif is "Mode of Transportation."
  • Non-fiction--I have read 18 books so far.
  • YA Award Winners--I have read 10 of the 11 winners
Completed challenges:
  • My Own Books--I read 21 books off my shelves from March 15 to May 15, 2019.
My life outside books:
I had a soft start to work this past week. I spent most of the time preparing for the upcoming school year. I have applied to a Google program that takes place in NYC in October and for the past few days applicants have been congregating on Twitter together, which has been fun. These people are amazing and there are hundreds (thousands?) of applicants for not very many spots so I don't think I'll get in. But, the Twitter conversations have been really fun. A nice break from the regular news.

Outside of working, I have spent time with my daughter, which has been really great. She leaves in a week for her second year of college so I am trying to spend as much time together as possible.

And I sold my Prius (since I bought a Tesla) so that is a relief!

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