It's December and that means reflecting back on the reading I've done this year and thinking ahead to the reading I'll do next year. After lots of pondering and checking out 2020 Challenge lists, here are the challenges I've decided to take on in 2020. This year I am foregoing many of the reading challenges that I usually do because, well, they aren't really challenges for me since they are the types of books I naturally gravitate toward.
So, I will not do the following challenges that I usually participate in, but I will tag books with these genres/themes:
- Nonfiction Reading challenge (I tend to read 20-30 a year anyway)
- A-Z (I finished it in 2019 so will do something new)
- Diversity Reading challenge (I read about 50 to 60 a year anyway)
- Literary Escapes Reading challenge (I always include the location of my books and read in almost 40 states and over 50 countries in 2019)
- Monthly Motif Reading challenge (I've done this for a number of years so need a change)
Literary Escapes Challenge
Ok. Late entry. I couldn't stop myself from doing this challenge even though I said I wouldn't. I post the location of every book I read so why not make it official and do the challenge!
I keep track of my reading is so many ways and one of my favorites is my Google Map that I do each year. So, how could I not keep doing this challenge. Here's the link to my (currently blank since it's still 2019) 2020 Google Map.
Popsugar Reading Challenge
This one caught my eye because they emphasize the fun in reading. They have a list of 40 book topics/genres/motifs from which to choose for the year and 10 advanced "20" related topics. They also have an active Facebook group. I am trying to avoid Facebook these days so I may not get over there, but maybe I will on occasion to see what books people are counting for the categories.
Mount TBR Reading Challenge
I like that this one isn't about a topic, letter, or genre, but about getting some of those books off of my own book shelf. The only restriction is that the books have to be on my shelf before January 1, 2020. Easy to do as I've got over 50 staring me in the face every day.
I am going to go for "Mt Vancouver:" reading at least 36 of them. I do think I should go through the shelf and get rid of books I know I'll never read. I just hate admitting that.
Social Justice Nonfiction
Over the past year, I have gotten more into learning about ethnic studies, social justice, etc so this reading challenge seems right up my alley. I'll definitely be asking other bloggers for suggestions for this challenge, but this list is a great place to begin. The goal is to read 12 books, one each month.
YA Award Winners
This one isn't an official challenge, but I will try to read all the YA books that win awards from the American Library Association for 2019. I may have read some of them this year, but that's ok. The winners aren't announced until early February so I can't begin this one until then.
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