
Thursday, December 26, 2019

#AMonthofFaves (Challenges and Goals)

I am joining this year’s hosts Girlxoxo and Traveling with T for their annual #AMonthofFaves blog event. They have a schedule of topics planned, so bloggers can join in anytime for some or all of the topics.

Challenges and Goals

I definitely enjoy the reading challenges that bloggers put out there (I even hosted one myself years ago) and every year choose a few in which to participate. I think I like the idea of checking off a sort of "to do list" of books to read. Here's how I did this year:

A to Z Reading
I read books with titles for all 26 letters by the end of November so I did well on this one

Big Book Challenge
I read 8 books that were longer than 400 pages during the summer (this challenge runs between Memorial Day and Labor Day)

Diversity Reading Challenge
I read 66 books this year that were "diverse," which means the author or characters were not like me (white, cisgender, heterosexual, female, middle-aged). 

Literary Escapes
I read books set in 39 states and in 58 countries. I feel pretty good about the countries, but wish I had hit more US states.

Motif Reading Challenge
I read 10 of the 12 monthly motifs so I didn't complete it, but I came awfully close.

My Own Books
I read 21 books off my shelves from March 15 to May 15, 2019, the duration of the challenge. That felt super good to read so many that had been staring at me for so long.

I read 26 nonfiction books this year, which is pretty good.

YA Award Winners
I read all 11 winners. This isn't a challenge put on by another blogger, but just something that I like to do each year.

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