
Friday, February 14, 2020

2019 CYBILS Winners!

Yay! The winners for 2019's CYBILS winners have been announced. It's such a pleasure to be a round 2 judge and this year was no exception.

You can see the entire list of winners at the CYBILS website. I judged in the YA fiction category and boy did we have a great discussion about picking just one winner! After weeks of reading the finalists and ranking them on a shared Google Doc with our thoughts, we had an additional hour and a half discussion last Monday night. I really wish we could have chosen our two top choices, but that isn't how it works.

I'll be posting my reviews for all of the YA fiction finalists, one per day, over the next week so stay tuned.... I'll add each review as I publish it.

Actually, I had already read some of the YA fiction finalists before we knew who the finalists were, so here are my previously published reviews in alphabetical order.