
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Book happiness

So, I came home really late last night from a conference and was ready to go straight to bed, but saw that a package had come for me while I was away and it was from a publisher. So, of course, I opened it (you know you would have as well).

Inside that plain brown wrapping was the latest book by Shilpi Somaya Gowda, The Shape of Family. Well, I did a happy dance right there in my kitchen!

I checked my online orders to confirm that I didn't order this book and could hardly contain my excitement that I have Gowda's book to read. How did the universe know that she is one of my favorite authors? I decided to just accept that sometimes good things happen for no reason. Then I checked my calendar and noticed that I had signed up to review this book through TLC Book Tours later this month. Ah, mystery solved, but I am still thrilled.

Here are my reviews of her other books:

Have you ever read Gowda's books? If so, what did you think?

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