Deb Nance at Readerbuzz runs The Sunday Salon.
Books read over the past week:
- Women Talking by Miriam Toews
- Literary Escapes Challenge--This week: 0 states and 1 country. 16 states and 12 countries total
- Mount TBR Challenge--1 books read this week, 27 books total
- Popsugar reading challenge--1 books read this week, 23 books total
- Social Justice Challenge--2 book read this month, 5 books total
- YA Award Winners--0 books read this week, 7 books total
I almost didn't do a Sunday Salon this week because I only read one book, but then I realized that I am really enjoying reading about everyone's lives, not just the books they read so here I am.
It has been really hot here this week and we've had strong winds, in southern California that is never a good combination. We worry that fires will start (none this week, thank goodness) and that the eucalyptus trees will drop branches (that did happen, but with no injuries). Both Los Angeles and Ventura counties have closed their beaches, but we haven't so now ours are packed with out-of-towners, which feels icky and unsafe.
We are a family that gets along very well, but I am seeing and hearing the tensions ramping up in our house. Everyone needs a breather from one another, but that just isn't going to happen soon is it. We did give in this week and my daughter drove to Los Angeles to pick up her boyfriend so he is with us for a week. His family is as paranoid as ours in terms of not going out, wiping down the mail and groceries, etc so I feel okay about him being here. And, it gives her a break from just the "grownups." And he is a great guy so that helps.
I am, again, frustrated with our president for his asinine comments about putting light and cleaning solutions inside our bodies (and equally stunned at the number of people who believe him!), his insistence on calling back West Point soldiers for graduation, and more. Of course, it takes much more than one evil/crazy person; those around him choose not to speak up and are equally culpable. I keep telling myself that come January we'll have a leader who is compassionate, listens to science, and things will get better.
Our school board voted on Thursday to have credit/no credit as our default grading system for this semester. I was on the grading committee and that was our recommendation as the most equitable choice. However, they listened to the elite families in our district and also decided that students may choose to have a letter grade, which can be no lower than what it was when we went on lock down March 13. Students who had As will get to keep their As with no more work. Colleges have made clear that grades won't matter from this semester anyway so it's really just an ego-stroking move. And so inequitable. Sigh.
Positive thoughts: the iris in my garden are fabulous, the sun is shining, we're all healthy, I have multiple shelves of books to read and a local indie bookshop that does curbside pick up. 💜
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