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Sunday Salon: January 10, 2021

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz runs The Sunday Salon. 

What I've been reading: 

All these reviews will be posted in mid-February after the winners of the CYBILS have been announced.
  • You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson
  • Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
  • The Edge of Anything by Nora Shalaway Carpenter
What it's like outside:
This week has been in the 60s, but drops to the low 50s in the evening so we are wearing coats when we take our post-dinner walk. Last night during our walk we saw this spotlight, which is on for the next 24 hours in memory of the debris flow that happened the night of January 8, 2018. The church bells rung out 23 times tonight in memory of the 23 people who were killed by the fast moving mud, water, and debris (cars, trees, etc) that flowed through our part of town.

What I've been watching:

Korean drama of the week: Strong Woman Do Bong Soon, which is a good mix of funny and a detective story. So far it's not my favorite of the ones we watch, but I like it.

On the treadmill:  Suitable Boy on Acorn TV. I never read the book, but so far am enjoying the series. Well, I wrote this earlier in the week and have given up on Suitable Boy for the treadmill. It's too slow and I need something that will distract me from my workout. I haven't found a good replacement though.

What going on in my life:
I renewed my TSA precheck this past week so that if I ever get to fly again (we will, right?) I'll get to continue skipping the long security lines.

Why did it take my family 9 months of the pandemic and zoom to get our family together? We live in 4 different countries (USA, England, Wales, and Austria) and I got all teary at the beginning of the call seeing us (almost) all of us in one place. This is my mom's side of the family so now we just need to do it with my dad's side who is also in 4 different countries (USA, England, Scotland, and the UAE).

Bookish thoughts this week:
We've started reading for CYBILS and I am already behind! Between work, spending time with my daughter, going for walks, and the Korean drama, I am not reading nearly enough! I better get on it. It feels so strange not to post reviews as I finish books, but we can't post anything until the winners are announced next month. However, I am listing which of my challenges they count for as I read them.

  • A to Z (titles)--5 book total
  • Alphabet Soup (author edition)--5 books total
  • Big Summer Book Challenge--0 books total (this doesn't begin until the end of May)
  • Children's Historical Fiction--0 books total
  • Cloak and Dagger--1 book total
  • Diversity--4 books total
  • Historical Fiction--0 books total
  • Literary Escapes Challenge--4 states and 2 countries total
  • Popsugar reading challenge--3 books total
  • YA Award Winners--0 books total (winners aren't announced until February)

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