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Sunday Salon: August 25, 2024


The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at ReaderBuzz.

I was in Montana until Wednesday. It was so wonderful to spend 5 days with my parents, daughter, brother, his wife, and their 3 kids. I say "kids," but they are now all young adults and such great people. I love seeing my daughter with her cousins. On Monday evening we saw a mama Grizzly and her two cubs. They were only 100 yards away and it was so amazing!

On Wednesday we spent a couple hours in Bozeman, MT, what a great town. They have a thriving main street with boutiques, yummy restaurants (shout out to Jam! which serves breakfast all day long) and multiple independent bookstores (LOVED Country Bookshelf). I also got to spend some time with a friend from junior/high school whom I haven't seen in decades so that was lovely!

I worked Thursday and Friday then a weekend. Not a bad schedule! On Thursday I got the stitches removed from my leg (from the removal of the "moderately irregular cells") so it's nice not to have to deal with ointments and bandages any more. The report from the lab is a good one: it is not skin cancer. Whew!

I splurged and got myself a summer Liberty puzzle, which I just finished. I do love a good jigsaw puzzle.

Here is is the current state of my 2024 challenges

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