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Sunday Salon: September 15, 2024


The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at ReaderBuzz.

I missed posting last Sunday because I was attending a dance event out of town. It's funny, whatever hobby/activity one gets into there is a little world that surrounds it. The ballroom dancing world involves really great music, wonderful people, and outrageous clothing. I wore a cotton dress. Many wore BALLROOM dresses with fringe, feathers, etc. The event was fun but showed me that I want to do lessons and "parties" at my studio, but I do not want to participate in the wider ballroom world.

Two Sundays ago I worked a really fun reunion even though it wasn't my class. I forgot how many people in the class below me I liked! And last night I worked the reunion for the class of 1969. Even though I only knew a few people, I had a good time.

Though this was a busy week, I managed to work in my in-person book group (we talked about James by Percival Everett, which we all really liked) and I met up with a woman from my graduate school days. We haven't seen each other in decades, but it was like no time had passed. It was great to reminisce and catch up on our lives. She ended up being the US Senate Historian from 1998 to 2023 so that was super interesting to hear about!

Here is is the current state of my 2024 challenges

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