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Sunday Salon: September 29, 2024


The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at ReaderBuzz.

Not much to report on this past week: a board meeting, a dance class, and new glasses (boy is the world looking sharper!). My mom is doing way better; they realized her lung disease was creeping back and got her on meds. I participated in a Kidlit meet up (we've been meeting monthly for the past few months). It's fun to meet bloggers in real life/on Zoom and talk about books, authors, and blogging and even though I don't read much kid lit these days, I really enjoy it (thank you Max for organizing!).

Hoping all the folks on the east coast are doing okay after Hurricane Helene; the images and video are devastating!

A friend recommended the movie Begin Again so I watched it this week and really enjoyed it. In return, I recommended The Commitments, but that one isn't available to stream anywhere.

This coming week is one I've been looking forward to for months! I have a couple college friends coming to visit tomorrow (that's you, Peg!) and this week I have some high school friends coming to town. 

Two comments on my blog got me thinking this week.
  • An anonymous (John Does, really?) hateful comment on my Banned Books post. Luckily Disqus marked it as spam due to the language used and it didn't show up on my blog. I feel bad for the person that they carry around such hatred and fear. And they must have searched out certain words from that post. It's not like my blog is famous! It makes me so sad that there are people living with fear and hatred instead of love and curiosity. Sigh.
  • Vicki's comment on one of my reviews got me thinking about when I was a senior in college. One of my best friends lived next door to me in the dorm and many nights one of us would go into the other's room and we'd read Danielle Steele novels out loud to one another. It was a great way to relax at the end of the day and I had someone to talk with about books. Do you have any fond memories of book sharing?

Here is is the current state of my 2024 challenges

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