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2024 Reading Challenges Wrap-up


2024 was like most challenge years for me: I was excited to sign up for a bunch of challenges, I finished a couple, but didn't finish most. Here is the link to my 2023 Challenges Page where you can see which books counted for the various challenges

My wrap-up for all my reading challenges is below:

Alphabet Soup: Author Edition Reading Challenge with Lori at Escape with Dollycas into a Good Book. I completed this challenge. ✅

Alphabet Soup: Title Edition Reading Challenge with Lori at Escape with Dollycas into a Good Book. I completed this challenge. ✅

Literary Escapes Reading Challenge, with Lori at Escape with Dollycas into a Good Book. I did not complete this challenge, I never do. I read books set in 42 states (9 more than 2023). I read books set in 29 countries (8 fewer than last year!). To see where I read, check out my 2024 Google Reading Map

Nonfiction Reader Challenge with Shelleyrae at Book'd Out. I signed up to read 6 of the 12 categories and I did that, completing 8/12 of her categories and 14 total nonfiction books. I completed this challenge. ✅

Bookish Books Reading Challenge with Susan at Bloggin' 'Bout Books. This challenge didn't have a number requirement; the idea is to read books about books, libraries, etc. and I read 15 (1 more than last year)! ✅

Big Book Summer Challenge with Sue at Book by Book. The goal is to read at least one book that is 400+ pages from Memorial Day to Labor Day and I read 7, the same as last year! ✅

Cloak and Dagger Reaching Challenge with Carol isn't really a challenge for me since mysteries and thrillers are one of my go-to genres. I completed the challenge, reading 19. ✅

Decolonize your Bookshelf Journey with Paperbacks and Frybread website. She sells great books and has wonderful ideas to diversify your reading. This challenge was a tough one for me. I think of myself as reading a variety of authors and books, but this one had categories that I wasn't going to do (middle grade, fantasy, etc). However, I really do wish I had done better. I only read 12 of the categories.

How did you do with your reading challenges this year?

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