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2025 Reading Challenges

For 2025, I am mostly repeating the reading challenges that I did in 2024, with two deletions and one addition.

Dollycas hosts both the Alphabet Soup (Author edition) and the Alphabet Soup (Title edition). I usually get really close to completing or do complete both of these challenges.

I will do the Bookish Reading Challenge hosted by Susan at Bloggin' 'Bout Books and the Big Summer Book Challenge hosted by Sue at Book by Book (Memorial Day through Labor Day).

I will participate in the Cover Lovers Reading Challenge (Level 3, 21-30 of the topics), also hosted by Susan at Bloggin' 'Bout Books and the Diversity Reading Challenge hosted by The Smell of Ink.


Dollycas also hosts the Literary Escapes Reading Challenge, which I have never completed but love to participate in any way. The goal is to read a book set in each US state. I also try reading in as many countries other than the US as possible. The 2025 Nonfiction Reader Challenge with Shelley Rae from Book'd Out. This is my fourth year for this challenge. I am choosing Nonfiction Nibbler: Read & review 6 books, one book from 6 of the listed categories.

What challenges are you doing in 2025?

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