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Sunday Salon: January 19, 2025


The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at ReaderBuzz.

It's been a busy week! I did inventory for our alumni association merchandise, had a merchandise committee meeting, ran a History Associates board meeting, had a golf lesson, 3 dance classes, and went to the symphony for an evening of Mozart. Whew. All very fun.

On the screen this week was Black Doves, which I liked. I hope they do a second season. I've also just begun watching Vera, which I've meant to watch for years. It's really good.

I've been up since 3:30am trying to help my daughter navigate nightmare travel. A delayed plane out of Oman means a missed flight in Turkey. A later flight means arriving very late in NYC during a blizzard. Fingers crossed this all goes smoothly.

Here is the final state of my 2025 challenges

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